Home > mp3scrape


Mp3scrape is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

download shit-loads of mp3s from web pages

NAME mp3scrape

SYNOPSIS mp3scrape uri [options]+


  mp3scrape will scour any url for it's mp3 content - the script mirrors,
  never downloading the same file twice.  it does not, however, crawl a
  website for links, it simple scapes all the songs from a single page.

PARAMETERS uri (1 -> uri(uri)) the uri to scrape --pattern=pattern, -p (0 ~> pattern=.mp3$) specifiy the mp3 pattern --basedir=basedir, -b (0 ~> basedir=/Users/ahoward/mp3) specifiy the base download dir - default(/Users/ahoward/mp3) --destination=destination, -d (0 ~> destination) specifiy the absolute download dir - default(/Users/ahoward/mp3/auto-based-on-uri) --list only list the mp3s that would be scraped --threads=threads, -t (0 ~> integer(threads=8)) specify the number of threads to download with in parallel - default(8) --noop, -n show the downloads that would be performed --help, -h


  1) get a bunch of xmas tunes
      mp3scrape http://fuelfriends.blogspot.com/2007/12/christmas-mixery.html

  2) get a bunch of tunes
      mp3scrape http://troubledsoulsunite.blogspot.com/

  3) some cool songs about birds
      mp3scrape http://oliverdiplace.blogspot.com/2010/07/bird-songs.html