Home > MPD-with-support-for-FLAC-CUE-and--CUE-files-as-virtual-directories


MPD-with-support-for-FLAC-CUE-and--CUE-files-as-virtual-directories is a project mainly written in C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

revert Music Player Daemon to old way of handling FLAC+CUE/CUE files, as virtual directories. much of the code is recycled from dropped commits.

           Music Player Daemon (MPD)

A daemon for playing music of various formats. Music is played through the server's audio device. The daemon stores info about all available music, and this info can be easily searched and retrieved. Player control, info retrieval, and playlist management can all be managed remotely.

For basic installation information see the INSTALL file.

MPD is released under the GNU General Public License version 2, which is distributed in the COPYING file.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
