Home > mpl_toolkits.agg_filter


Mpl_toolkits.agg_filter is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

This module provides classes that can be used to set agg_filter's for matplotlib.

For example, ::

from mpl_toolkits.agg_filter import LightFilter

light_filter = LightFilter(9)
p.set_agg_filter(light_filter) # p is some artist

Often used filter is the drop shadow filter. ::

l1, = plt.plot([0.1, 0.5, 0.9], [0.1, 0.9, 0.5], "bo-",
               mec="b", mfc="w", lw=5, mew=3, ms=10, label="Line 1")

from mpl_toolkits.agg_filter import DropShadowFilter
gauss = DropShadowFilter(4, offsets=(4, -6))

shadow = FilteredArtistList([l1], gauss)