Home > mqWorks


MqWorks is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

mqWorks is a library for easing day-to-day php work by Matiq


mqWorks is a library written to introduce object orientated programming on the standard datatypes. Allowing programmers to effectively extending native classes like string or int.


All examples should start with <?php include 'path_to_mqWorks/mqWorks/bootstrap.php';

Array example

Showing the simple list syntax that can be used with the µ function and demonstrates some build-in array functions.

$list = µ(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);

    return $value % 2 == 0;

    return pow($value, 2);


[ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]
[ 0, 4, 16, 36, 64 ]

Markdown example

Example showing the build-in markdown plugin.

$markdown = '
Markdown example

* Markdown
* Integrates
* With
* mqWorks!


Returns the parsed markdown.

Json example

mqWorks also uses the php build in json parser.

    "first name": "Mathijs",
    "last name": "Henquet"
')->parseAs('json')->each(function($value, $key){
    µ::format('My %s is %s', $key, $value)->echoln();


My first name is Mathijs
My last name is Henquet

Url resource example

With mqWorks you can easily use external or local files by wrapping a string prefixed by a @ sign.

µ('@local/resource.txt')->echoln(); // Echos the contents of the file

µ('@http:://some_external.com/resource')->echoln(); // Echos the contents of the url

µ('@local/data.json')->parseAs('json')->dump(); // Dumps the contents of the json file as php array

Twig, File and Yaml example

            'full_name'=>$item['first_name'].' '.$item['last_name'], 

I want it!

mqWorks is included by including the bootstrap file. Afterwards you can add your own function sources and use the mqWorks lib.

include 'path_to_mqWorks/mqWorks/bootstrap.php';

Then go the the getting started page.
