Home > Slurp


Slurp is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Takes a RSS feed (designed for use with google reader feeds like "starred items") and downloads the first image found in each entry, generating a companion text file with the source URL and any text from the entry



Takes a RSS feed (designed for use with google reader feeds like "starred items") and downloads the first image found in each entry, generating a companion text file with the source URL and any text from the entry


python slurp.py


There're a few variables you can set near the top of the script:

  • "_filedir" sets the directory to save files in (must exist)
  • "userid" is the google reader user id, you can get it from the URL on the greader site
  • "retrieveNum" is the number of items from the greader feed to download. This is a function of the feed, not this script
  • "blacklist" is a string array. Just put in domains you want to ignore, it's used in a simple substring check


  • Only takes the first image from each entry
  • images without an extension in the URL will be left "as-is", i.e. the downloaded file won't have one either...
  • Would like to support a minimum-size option, to avoid downloading 1x1 size images that are just for tracking, but this apparently requires installing PIL