Home > mscreen


Mscreen is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

A helper application for GNU screen letting you talk to multiple screens at once

Quick Start:

run screen create a few shells ./mscreen start typing

detach with control-b d Other commands all prefixed by Control-B :(default key bindings) '0-9' = toggle whether window 0-9 is selected bind['+'] = "select" bind['-'] = "unselect" bind['a'] = "select_all" bind['n'] = "unselect_all" bind['s'] = "show_all" bind['t'] = "status" bind['d'] = "detach" bind['r'] = "refresh" bind[':'] = "colon" bind['b'] = "literal"

Full instructions

This is a program to help manage screens with many sessions. The major feature is the ability to send identical input to all sessions at once. This is useful if you have a web site with several web servers and you want to edit a file on all of them. This allows you to visually interact with all the shells at once.


select,unselect,select_all,unselect_all: At startup, mscreen will send keystrokes to all windows in the screen session. It will not send input to itself to prevent infinite recursive input stream. Use the select commands to change which windows receive input.

status: Display a short message about known windows

literal: Send the literal control character. Control-B by default

refresh: Rebuild the internal list of screens and windows. mscreen does not know when you create new windows or when they go away. It can only manage windows it knows about. If you create or close windows, you will need to use refresh to have mscreen know about them. If the config["autoadd"] is true, when detected, the windows will automatically be selected for future input.

show_all: Show all the windows in a grid. By default, a grid of width 1 height N. The dimensions of the grid are configurable using : config["gridx"] and : config["gridy"]. If either is set to -1, then the dimension is variable. The default gridx,gridy is (1,-1). Also the config["topdown"] controls the tab order of the cells when in a grid that is 2x2 or bigger.

colon: similar to screen's colon, goes into a command line where you can execute commands. These are python "exec()" statements, so anything goes. eg:

you can re-bind keys by setting the bind[] dict, change the config["gridx"] and config["gridy"] options for show_all you can use the sc variable and do things like sc.send_all(["hello world" for x in range(1,20)) sc.unselect_all()

Bugs: Probably only works on linux

Thanks to this code for getch: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/134892-getch-like-unbuffered-character-reading-from-stdin/

email me if you have more suggestions