Home > mtheme


Mtheme is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

// $Id$

Module Theme (version 1.x)

The Module Theme module enables you to:

  • Theme your website through Drupal's web interface
  • Export theme elements with the Features module
  • Surface the different theme elements that ship with various modules and themes in one central location
  • Enable modules to ship with a selection of different style sheets, to be easily enabled/disabled for different use-cases by the site administrator or end-user
  • Provide an easy interface for enabling, disabling, and copying theme elements provided by other modules and themes (Note: It is possible to use the Module Theme module to override theming provided by other modules or themes, but this is a hack. Use the Subtheme module.)


Place the entire mtheme folder into your modules directory. Go to Administer -> Site building -> Modules and enable the Module Theme module.

To "mtheme-enable" any theme on your site, copy and paste the following snippet of code into the bottom of your theme(s) template.php file (below the last function in the file):

if (module_exists('mtheme')) { mtheme_add_css();


If you are installing the Module Theme because it is a dependency of another module in your site, you're done. No additional set-up or configuration required.

If you are a site builder or module developer interested in using Module Theme to theme your modules (or just add a little CSS here or there) read on.

For Site Builders and Module Developers

Go to Administer -> Site building -> Module Theme.

Here you will see a list of all the different CSS selectors included in your site by modules and themes implementing their theming with Module Theme.

Click the CSS tab to see all these selectors compiled into one single style sheet.

Click the Add tab to add your own CSS.

To export CSS created with Module Theme go to Administer -> Site building -> Features -> Create Feature

Under Edit Components select Module Theme, then select the components (CSS selectors) you want to export. When you're done click Download feature. Now your CSS is included in the module you just downloaded.

There are a few different ways to include theming in your custom modules after exporting as described above: A. If your custom module is a single feature module, just include the CSS as described above and your done. When the module is enabled, all your CSS gets enabled with it. B. If your custom module is not a feature module, the easiest thing to do is export your CSS as a feature module and include that feature module with your module. (By convention, many modules include a theme directory and put all their theming in there. Consider creating a directory called mtheme and storing your theme feature(s) in there.) Then include features in your mtheme directory as dependencies in your .info file.


Bryan Hirsch, bryan AT bryanhirsch.com