Home > muck-auth


Muck-auth is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

Muck wrapper supporting ominiauth

= muck-auth This gem wraps the omniauth gem to make it simple to authenticate with multiple services.

== Installation

Add muck-auth to your Gemfile: gem 'muck-auth'

After installing muck-auth be sure to sync the gem:

rake muck:sync:auth

or to sync everything from the muck framework:

rake muck:sync

== Configuration Add services by including the proper credentials in secrets.yml:

auth_credentials: twitter: # Twitter api access: http://www.twitter.com/apps key: '{get a key}' secret: '{it comes with a secret}' valid_signin: true # include if you want to use this service to let your users signin/register for your site

=== OAuth Services Here's a list of common oauth services. For a complete list of all available services please consult the omniauth documentation as the available services are constantly changing: https://github.com/intridea/omniauth

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/apps Google: http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/RegistrationForWebAppsAuto.html#register (domains are managed on: https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageDomains) Yahoo: http://developer.yahoo.com/flickr/ Flick: http://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/apply Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer Friendfeed: https://friendfeed.com/account/login?next=%2Fapi%2Fregister

== Usage Render a full list of all services with links to authorize the service and icons: <%= render :partial => 'authentications/available_services', :locals => { :include_icons => true } %>

Render a list of all services that the current_user has authorized: <%= render :partial => 'authentications/current_services', :locals => { :include_icons => true, :authentications => current_user.authentications } %>

Let users sign in and/or register on your site via oauth. Just remember to set valid_signin to true in your secrets.yml file: <%= render :partial => 'users/signup_services' %>

There is a default template ('authentications/signup') that will be rendered if the sign up fails. Override that template if you want to provide the user with a custom experience:

Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Tatemae.com. See LICENSE for details.
