Home > vim-scala


Vim-scala is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Mirror of the scala-tool-support vim SVN repository + snippets for use with pathogen

From Stefan Matthias Aust's website (http://www.3plus4.de/scala/):

  • How to use it

The Vim editor (http://www.vim.org/) can be customized using the following two resources located either in your home directory or in some system-specific directory:

.vimrc  is the main configuration file; it should at least
        contain the command "syn on" to enable syntax

.vim    is the Vim configuration directory; it contains scripts
        (http://www.vim.org/scripts/) in predefined locations.
        The support files for Scala are contained in the three
        directories "indent", "syntax" and "ftdetect"; simply
        copy them to your Vim configuration directory.

Vim searchs for user-specific resources at the following locations:

- under Linux, Solaris, etc. usually /home/<username>/.vimrc
- under Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/.vimrc
- under Windows:  %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%_vimrc
  • Thanks

scala.vim was contributed by Stefan Matthias Aust ([email protected])