Home > muldicat


Muldicat is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

tool to generate SKOS for the Multilingual Dictionary of Cataloging Terms and Concepts

This is a simplistic conversion tool to make the Multilingual Dictionary of Cataloging Terms and Concepts (MulDiCat) available as SKOS. More information about MulDiCat can be found at:


MulDiCat is currently made available as a table in a Word document. Ideally there would be software managing the concept scheme, which would allow edits, and provide an audit trail--this script is only meant to demonstrate the use of SKOS.

For your convenience the current MulDiCat SKOS file is in the same directory as this README file: MuldiCat.rdf. Follow these steps to convert a new version of the Word document into RDF/XML.

  1. Open the Word document in Open Office
  2. Create a new spreadsheet: File -> New -> Spreadsheet
  3. Select the table: Table -> Select -> Table
  4. Copy the table: Edit -> Copy
  5. Paste the table into the first cell of the spreadsheet: Edit -> Paste
  6. Save as CSV: File -> Save As -> Set File Type: Text CSV
  7. Convert to RDF: rdfize.py Muldicat.csv > Muldicat.rdf


  • Open Office
  • Python
  • rdflib
  • lxml

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