Home > MultipleSearch


MultipleSearch is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Highlight multiple searches at the same time, each with a different color.

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=479

MultipleSearch allows you to have the results of multiple searches displayed on the screen at the same time. Each search highlights its results in a different color, and all searches are displayed at once. After the maximum number of colors is used, the script starts over with the first color.

The command syntax is: :Search which will highlight all occurrences of in the current buffer. A subsequent :Search will highlight all occurrences of in the current buffer, retaining the highlighting of as well.

and are any search pattern like you would use in a normal / search. The :Search command honors Vim's 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' settings for its own search. You can use the c and C flags in the search pattern to force case matching no matter the setting of 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase'. The :SearchBuffers command works just like :Search, but the search occurs in all currently listed buffers (i.e., appear in the output of :ls). The match in all buffers will have the same color. This is different than :bufdo Search because in that case, each buffer will highlight the match in a different color. Thanks to Jeff Mei for the suggestion! To clear the highlighting, issue the command :SearchReset (for the current buffer) or :SearchBuffersReset (for all buffers). You can specify the maximum number of different colors to use by setting the g:MultipleSearchMaxColors variable in your .vimrc. The default setting is four, but the script should handle as much as your terminal / GUI can display. The g:MultipleSearchColorSequence variable lets you list the colors you want displayed, and in what order. To make the text more readable, you can set the g:MultipleSearchTextColorSequence variable to a list of colors for the text, each position corresponding to the color in the same position in g:MultipleSearchColorSequence. If you change one of the preference variables, you can issue the command :SearchReinit to update the script with your new selections.