Home > multiwin.vim


Multiwin.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

MultiWin: use VIM like a Rolodex

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1083

This script manipulates noequalalways, splitbelow, winheight, winminheight, and laststatus to make each buffer (either loaded by command line or via :new) occupy its own window. All inactive windows are minimized to only statuslines. This gives the appearance of a Rolodex. Simply click on a status line and that window is maximized.

Note: once vim is loaded, you must use :new (or :split) to "add" a window to the list. Using :e will change the buffer in the current window.

This has same effect of using -o on the vim command line when you run vim with multiple filenames on the command line, or "Edit with single vim" context menu in Windows Explorer when multiple files are selected.

This script will not run if vim is set to compatible or is in diff mode.

You can disable the automatic-ness of this script by setting g:singlewin in your vimrc

This script is compatible with vim 6.3 and 7.0.

I'd would like to give credit where credit is due: Antoine J. Mechelynck - the initial idea of playing with winheight and the other options Charles E. Campbell, Jr. - enlightening me on the use of sball Bram - for deflecting my attempts at sliding a patch in and making me think of alternate ways to trick vim into maximizing the current window.and for showing me eventhandler() Breadman - for showing me wincmd _