Home > musca_patchsets


Musca_patchsets is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

bugfixes for musca-0.9.24

patchset 1 for musca-0.9.24

instructions: put 'musca_patchset.tar.gz' into the sourcedirectory, unpack it and execute 'prepare.sh'. this patches all fixes into the sourcetree. (make sure it's unaltered - else patching could fail) after that, proceed as you wish with 'make' and/or any other desired installmethod. if you would like to omit a patch for some reason, just delete the according patchfile in advance.

this patchset includes folling fixes:

  • fix incompatibility with dmenu-4.4: configline for dmenu in config.h should now only contain dmenu parameters! same goes for 'set dmenu ' in '.musca_start'. BE SURE TO TWEAK THAT BEFORE YOU RESTART MUSCA

  • fix for (flash-)fullscreen bug which messed up cycle: this fixes some bugs from reports at musca-bugtracker which all originate from this single bug.

  • fix for muscacommand 'pad' to affect all windows on stack: this essentially fixes a segfault which was caused by 'focus_follow_mouse' hovering a nonpadded window.
