Home > MvcTemplates


MvcTemplates is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and CLASSIC ASP, it's free.

ASP.NET MVC Display and Editor Templates

ASP.NET MVC Object Templates project.

Shows an example of using some custom built templates for editing and displaying objects in ASP.NET MVC using the Hmtl.EditorFor[Model] type of helpers.

Pages include Show/Edit examples for a simple Customer object and a slightly more complex Order object.

To see the templates in action, download the code and run the MvcTemplates.sln file (requires VS2010 and MVC2).

Based off of the built in ASP.NET MVC samples and Brad Wilson's blog post at http://bradwilson.typepad.com/blog/2009/10/aspnet-mvc-2-templates-part-4-custom-object-templates.html.
