Home > mvo_zircon


Mvo_zircon is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, it's free.

Multivio prototype Zircon

How to Test mvo_zircon:

You must have ant and Tomcat (or another servlet server) installed. If it's not the case see

  • http://ant.apache.org/manual/ to install ant (tested with ant 1.7.1)
  • http://tomcat.apache.org/ to install Tomcat (tested with Tomcat 5) Make sure that the environment vaiable $JAVA_HOME is correctly defined.

1) clone or update the mvo_zircon repository 2) create a folder lib under mvo_zircon 3) put a copy of the file servlet-api.jar in the created folder (or make a link); it can be found in the Tomcat installation, under lib/ 4) run ant

ant 5) put zircon.war under Tomcat/webapps 6) create a bundle of the mvo_edge application with sc-build inside the mvo_edge main folder sc-build 7) copy the application (the static folder under tmp/build/) under Tomcat/webapps 8) start Tomcat (check if you need to do it as superuser): Tomcat/bin/startup.sh (or startup.bat if in Windows) 9) in your web browser visit:


releasenumber is the number create by sproutcore recordid is the id of the record of rerodoc you want to see (you can test for example: 9264, 9263, 9494 or 9171)