Home > my_memory_cache_with_NFU


My_memory_cache_with_NFU is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

simple memory cache with Not Frequently Used, or NFU cache algorithm


This is a demo of cache algorithm NFU,or Not Frequently Used item remove first. I have used the position in the double-linked-list to indicate the 'get' frequency of the item. I keep wondering are there any implement other than linked-list suitable for this. And I just tried heap queue, but the change of item frequency makes me annoy.

There is another problem of this memory_cache: the key duplicate. Now the unique of the key is obtained by the users. Maybe using the key with num to get item, as open hash-map implement in Memcache, is a better way.

这是一个基于NFU换页算法的缓存例子。NFU就是把不经常使用的对象率先移除的算法,详情可以参考维基百科。memory cache的实现主要利用了python的dict对象,通过dict对缓存对象进行管理。为了快捷删除使用率较低的对象,使用了双向链表来链接对象,表头的即为低频对象。我也试用过heap实现的优先队列进行管理,但是对于优先级的调整,官方推荐的是插入新项,移除对象的时候索引就会失效,而更新一次索引带来的是O(n)的复杂度,实现上既不优雅也不快速。
