Home > poke


Poke is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A game-design project using Ruby and Gosu.


Poke is a simple game-design experiment using Ruby and the Gosu framework.


Poke runs on Ruby 1.9.x. To install this easily, I recommend you use ruby-build + rbenv. You can read how on the ruby-build website. I also recommend you install the Bundler gem, which makes installating and updating gems crazy easy. So, without further ado:

  1. cd into where you want to download the source and run git clone git://github.com/mybuddymichael/Poke.git.

  2. If you have Bundler installed, cd into Poke/ and simply type

     $ bundle install

    to install gem dependencies. Otherwise you have to

     $ gem install gosu
     $ gem install rmagick
  3. Install ImageMagick, via Homebrew or macports or fink or whatever you want to use.

  4. ???

  5. Make sure you're cd'd into Poke/ and ruby main.rb.



Copyright © 2011 Michael Hanson. Released under the MIT license; see LICENSE.
