Home > MyJavaLibrary


MyJavaLibrary is a project mainly written in JAVA and PERL, it's free.

My little java library

=head1 What is this?

This is my little java library.

=head2 How to use.

Just run 'ant jar' in top directory.

Then you'll get pocketJava.jar

=head2 pocket.data.sheet

Paper like 2d array structure.


=item TurnRight

=item TurnLeft

=item Horizontal Flip

=item Vertical Flip

=item getRow

=item setRow

=item getCol

=item setCol


=head2 pocket.gui.ZoomAblePane

Zoom and scrollable gui pane.


=item zoom

=item unzoom

=item scrollX

=item scrollY


=head2 pocket.data.Oscillator

Oscillator like data structure.


=item size

=item add

=item next

