Home > mysite-examples


Mysite-examples is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

This repository stores the source code of examples from my site (rails 3.0.0 based sites)

This site stores the source code of the blog entries of my website. The master branch just has a basic rails application generated with the nifty generator gem and a controller that is home. There are several branches that contain different project source codes that can be pulled.


  • fb_graph_gem - This is a demo of the fb_graph_gem
  • fb_graph_cache - This is a demo of caching facebook graph api call results in local database

To get access the branches:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. List all the remote branches with "git branch -a"
  3. Checkout the remote branch: git checkout -b
  4. Follow the README after your check out the branch to run the demos