Home > MySQL-ASCII-Graph


MySQL-ASCII-Graph is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Draw graphs easily using mysql command line interface


Graphical pager for MySQL that let you easily visualize data straight from the database.

Screenshot: http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/3448/mysqlasciigraph2.png

For usage see the examples below


mysql -p

mysql> \P /root/mysqlasciigraph.php mysql> select value as y from test order by id desc limit 500; [You should see the output of the graph]

mysql> select value as y, id as x from test order by id desc limit 500; [You should see the output of the graph]

Reversing graph values, useful when data comes in reversed order and you do not want to use ORDER BY

mysql> \P /root/mysqlasciigraph.php reverse mysql> select value as y from test order by id desc limit 500; [You should see the output of the graph]

OR specify an extra column "reverse"

mysql> select value as y, 'yes' as reverse from test order by id desc limit 500; [You should see the output of the graph]

If you select values for X axis as well and there are gaps in your data set, you will see gaps on the graph as well mysql> select value as y, id as x from test where (id > 300 or id < 100) and id < 500; [You should see the output of the graph]

Dealing with datetime/timestamp fields on the X axis mysql> \P /root/mysqlasciigraph.php date reverse mysql> select value as y, runtimestamp as x from test where (id > 300 or id < 100) and id < 500; [You should see the output of the graph]
