Home > mysql_flaskr


Mysql_flaskr is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

                     / Flaskr /

             a minimal blog application

~ What is Flaskr?

  A sqlite powered thumble blog application

~ How do I use it?

  1. edit the configuration in the flaskr.py file or
     export an FLASKR_SETTINGS environment variable
     pointing to a configuration file.

  2. fire up a python shell and run this:

     >>> from flaskr import init_db; init_db()

  3. now you can run the flaskr.py file with your
     python interpreter and the application will
     greet you on http://localhost:5000/

~ Is it tested?

  You betcha.  Run the `flaskr_tests.py` file to see
  the tests pass.