Home > mysql-lift-charset-test


Mysql-lift-charset-test is a project mainly written in Scala, it's free.

Lift app to try to insert UTF-8 data to a MySQL database

So you think you have a character encoding problem, eh?

This Lift app attempts to insert UTF-8 data into a table it creates and then show you what comes back.

By default the table is called foo, with a username and password of foo (see Boot.scala). We assume MySQL.

When you run the app, visit and see the data inserted and what is recovered when the table is queried.


1) Set up a MySQL database:

$ mysql -u root -p --default-character-set=utf8 MYSQL> CREATE DATABASE foo CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; MYSQL> grant all privileges on foo.* to 'foo'@'localhost' identified by 'foo'; MYSQL> flush privileges;

2) Run the app:

$ sbt jetty

3) open and see the results.