Home > myVagrant


MyVagrant is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

My vagrant configuration


This set of files is designed to setup a new virtual machine in few minutes based on a Debian Squeeze box.


Get Virtualbox: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/downloads

Install Vagrant:

gem install vagrant

Add box to Vagrant:

vagrant box add squeeze32 http://mathie-vagrant-boxes.s3.amazonaws.com/debian_squeeze_32.box

Clone this configuration:

git clone git://github.com/willdurand/myVagrant.git

And... Enjoy:

cd myVagrant
vagrant up

In few minutes, you'll get a new virtual machine with Debian Squeeze, Apache2, MySQL (latest version), PHP 5.3 (latest version), Git, Vim (with Ruby support) and Elinks. It configures APT to use the Dotdeb repository. Apache2 is configured to use the VirtualDocumentRoot feature that allows you to fast create new vhosts. It also configures a user named william with my dotfiles for this user.


  • root / vagrant
  • vagrant / vagrant
  • william / william


  • William DURAND
  • Fabrice BERNHARD for his example.