Home > myvault


Myvault is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Shell script for editing an encrypted text file using your SSH key

========== myvault.sh

:Version: 1.0.0 :Web: http://www.dctrwatson.com/2010/10/introducting-myvault :Download: http://github.com/dctrwatson/myvault

myvault.sh is a shell script for editing an ecrypted text file stored as $HOME/.myvault

The text file is symmetrically encrypted using aes-256 and a random 32 character password that is generated every time the script is run. The password is then encrypted using an RSA key (Default: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa)

It can also be used to encrypt and decrypt arbitrary files using the same method.


  • OpenSSL


If you do not already have an RSA key generated, use the following command to do so.::

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  • Note: It's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use a passphrase on the key.


myvault.sh [-f FILE] [-k KEYFILE] [-p KEYFILE] [-e] [-d] [in_file] [> out_file]

-f FILE Specify an encrypted text file (Default: $HOME/.myvault)

-k KEYFILE Specify a private RSA key file (Default: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa)

-p KEYFILE Specify a public key file (Default: {PRIVATE_KEYFILE}.pub.pem)

-e Encrypt in_file to STDOUT

-d Decrypt in_file to STDOUT


myvault.sh uses the EDITOR and TMPDIR environment variables for some configuration.

If EDITOR is not defined, it defaults to vim.

.. # vim: syntax=rst expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 shiftround