Home > naev-missionmerger


Naev-missionmerger is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Mission tags merger for http://github.com/bobbens/naev

A tool to merge mission informations into one file

Actually, to list all available mission we have an unique file (mission.xml). Which is bad, because we have more than one contributor to write missions. With time, that file will become a mess and it will be hard to maintain.


The two mains ideas are :

1/ Write the missions information in the header comments of the lua scripts. It will provide a cleaner directory. But it'll also increase the level of difficulty to retrieve the informations. 2/ Use unique xml file with the same name as the lua file. Without an xml file, the mission would be disabled.


The main format would be the xml one. But, with the decentralized nature of those files, we could allow people to use thier own format provided that this tool can handle it.


Each lua file needs its equal in xml.

So, if you have a dat/missions/empire/badass.lua, you'll needs a dat/missions/empire/badass.xml.
