Home > named-features


Named-features is a project mainly written in Common Lisp, it's free.

Create special list of features with it reader macro.


This library allow to create special list of features with reader macro. Just like features with #+/#- readers but separeted.


(named-features:define-features-list my-features :documentation "My features list. Used with #h+/#h- reader macros." :macro-character #h)

(pushnew :sbcl my-features)

h+sbcl (format t "This is SBCL backend.~%")

(pushnew :linux my-features)

h+(and sbcl linux) (format t "This is SBCL on Linux backend.~%")

h-(and sbcl (not linux)) (format t "This not SBCL not on Linux backend.~%")