Home > neo4j-sandbox


Neo4j-sandbox is a project mainly written in Clojure, it's free.

Playing with clojure-neo4j

lein repl

; FYI ; "->" is a macro that just means "Take the output then ; dump it into the first argument of the next function."

(load "neo4j_sandbox/core")

(in-ns 'neo4j-sandbox.core)


(create-root-type :bad-guys)

(add-typed-node :bad-guy {:name "Agents Smith", :language "C++"})

(def smith (-> (select-where :bad-guys {:name "Agents Smith"}) first))

(update-node smith {:name "Agent Smith", :language "C"} )

; Add some more data. (create-root-type :characters) (add-typed-node :character {:real-name "Thomas Andersson" :name "Neo" :age 29}) (add-typed-node :character {:name "Trinity"}) (add-typed-node :character {:name "Morpheus" :occupation "Total badass" :rank "Captain"}) (add-typed-node :character {:last-name "Reagan" :name "Cypher"}) (add-typed-node :character {:name "The architect"})

(def neo (select-one :character {:name "Neo"})) (def morpheus (select-one :character {:name "Morpheus"})) (def trinity (select-one :character {:name "Trinity"})) (def cypher (select-one :character {:name "Cypher"})) (def architect (select-one :character {:name "The architect"}))

(classify cypher :bad-guys) (classify architect :bad-guys)

(defn knows [n1 n2] (rel n1 :knows n2))

(knows neo morpheus) (knows neo trinity) (knows trinity cypher) (knows morpheus cypher) (knows cypher smith) (knows smith architect)

(walk :ok-rels [:customers :customer :bad-guys :bad-guy]) (walk :start-node neo :ok-rels [:knows] :depth 1) (walk :start-node neo :ok-rels [:knows] :depth 2) (walk :start-node neo :ok-rels [:knows] :depth 3) (walk :start-node neo :ok-rels [:knows] :depth 4)
