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Net-mprpc-client-perl is a project mainly written in Perl, based on the View license.

syncronous message-pack rpc client for Perl

NAME Net::MPRPC::Client - Synchronous MessagePack RPC client

SYNOPSIS use Net::MPRPC::Client;

    my $client = Net::MPRPC::Client->new(
        host => '',
        port => 4423,

    # or unix socket:
    my $client = Net::MPRPC::Client->new(
        host => 'unix/',
        port => '/tmp/mprpc.sock',

    # call method "echo" with argument "foo bar"
    my $res = $client->call( echo => "foo bar" )
        or die $client->error;

DESCRIPTION This module is a simple synchronous MessagePack-RPC client, designed to use in synchronous application (e.g. prefork server) For asynchronous version of this module, take a look at AnyEvent::MPRPC::Client.

METHODS new(%parameters) my $client = Net::MPRPC::Client->new( host => '', port => 4423, );

    # or unix socket:
    my $client = Net::MPRPC::Client->new(
        host => 'unix/',
        port => '/tmp/mprpc.sock',

Create and return client object. Available parameters are:

*   host => 'Str' (Required)

    MessagePack-RPC server's hostname to connect. If you want to use
    unix domain socket, this parameter should be "unix/".

*   port => 'Int | Str' (Required)

    MessagePack-RPC server's port or UNIX socket path to connect.

*   timeout => 'Int'

    Timeout (second) to connect. Default value is 30 seconds.

call($method, $parameter) my $res = $client->call( echo => "foo bar" ) or die $client->error;

Call RPC method and return result.

If remote server return some errors, this method return undef. You can
get error message by "error" method. When something other error (network
error or etc) occurred, this method throw exception.

error() Return error messages. Return empty string when there's no error.

connect disconnect Connect to and disconnect from server. This method automatically called from "call" method.

AUTHOR Daisuke Murase [email protected]

COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2011 by KAYAC Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
with this module.