Home > NetflixPivot


NetflixPivot is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and C#, it's free.

a Windows Azure application that loads Netflix streaming videos into a Silverlight Pivot control for browsing

Source code for http://netflixpivot.cloudapp.net.


To run this, you'll need the Windows Azure SDK as well as the binaries for the PivotViewer Control and Deep Zoom Tools. (You may need to update the references in the NetflixPivotViewer project to point to your location of those binaries.)


To deploy to Windows Azure, update the connection strings in ServiceConfiguration.cloud.cscfg as well as (optionally) the CdnUrl which should point to a CDN URL that sits on top of your storage account. (It should look like az####.vo.msecnd.net, or a custom domain if you've mapped one to your CDN URL.)