Home > nginx_scgi


Nginx_scgi is a project mainly written in C, based on the View license.

SCGI module for Nginx


modscgi is an implementation of the Simple Common Gateway Interface <http://python.ca/scgi/protocol.txt> for the Nginx <http://nginx.net>_ web server.

Nginx is a fast asynchronous HTTP server.


mod_scgi has been tested with Nginx 0.5.35.

Download the Nginx sources from http://nginx.net/ and unpack it.

The sources of modscgi can be downloaded from a Mercurial <http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/> repository: http://hg.mperillo.ath.cx/nginx/mod_scgi/

At the moment there is no stable release, so you need to download the latest revision (tip) or the latest tag.

The tip can be downloaded via the Mercurial web interface: http://hg.mperillo.ath.cx/nginx/mod_scgi/archive/tip.tar.gz

or cloning the repository: ::

hg clone http://hg.mperillo.ath.cx/nginx/mod_scgi/

The latest tag can be found from: http://hg.mperillo.ath.cx/nginx/mod_scgi/tags

To build Nginx, change to the directory which contains the Nginx sources, and run the configuration script making sure to add the path to the mod_scgi sources using the --add-module option. It is recommended to enable debugging. ::

$ ./configure --add-module=/path/to/mod_scgi/ --with-debug

Nginx will use as default prefix path the directory /usr/local/nginx.

Now you can build and install the software: ::

$ make

and as root: ::

$ make install


This module is still under development.

The module is mainly an adaptation of the existing ngx_http_fastcgi_module, with some code (the HTTP status line and headers parsing) from the ngx_http_proxy_module.

In the current version SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO are not defined.

The current implementation also only supports SCGI response that conforms to HTTP 1.0; this means that the response must start with an HTTP 1.x status line (like HTTP 1.0 200 OK) and not by using the Status header.


This implementation is not fully conform to the SCGI protocol.

The SCGI specification states: ::

Duplicate names are not allowed in the headers

however Nginx does not combines multiple headers.


Here is a sample configuration: ::

location  /scgi {

    include     conf/scgi_vars;
    scgi_var    SCRIPT_NAME  /scgi;
    scgi_var    PATH_INFO    /xxx;

note the inclusion of the conf/scgi_vars file.

This file must be copied to the nginx $prefix/conf directory by hand.
