Home > mp3-Suite


Mp3-Suite is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, it's free.

Library of wrapper scripts for youtube-dl with Reddit and Rapidshare interfaces

Dependencies: youtube-dl ffmpeg libmp3lame codec (install from ffmpeg extras packages)

scrapeSite: Scrapes all youtube links from a webpage Outputs the links to a flat file called Music (list of youtube links) If download and convert desired, call youtube2mp3.sh to batch download all My main usage for this was to scrape youtube links from reddit.com/r/listentothis and feed it into youtube2mp3 to download all the songs.

scrapeFile: Opens a file and scrapes all youtube links off of file and outputs link to a flat file called Music My main usage for this was to save a Youtuber's HTML page to download all of their songs

youtube2mp3: Converts youtube link to mp3 by calling youtube-dl and ffmpeg (dependencies) Remember to first change the default download directory within the source Can have open a flat file with multiple youtube links for batch conversion

prestobot: My whole usage for this suite was to scrape reddit.com/r/listentothis everyday to populate my music library (automated piracy system). With prestobot, I can give back to the site. It tarballs files downloaded today (by checking the last_modified), uploads it to Rapidshare via their API, and posts the Rapidshare links to Reddit via the Reddit API. It requires many parameters (rapidshare user/pw, reddit usr/pw, subreddit, song directory, path where all the other scripts are contained, fileserver/host prefix...)

Examples: python scrapeSite.py && ./youtube2mp3 Music python scrapeSite.py 'reddit.com/r/music' && ./youtube2mp3 Music python scrapeFile.py myFile && ./youtube2mp3 Music
