Home > ngx_http_auth_pam_module


Ngx_http_auth_pam_module is a project mainly written in C, based on the View license.

Fork of nginx pam authentication module. Adds additional environment variables for pam.

Nginx module to use PAM for simple http authentication

:Date: $Date: 2010-11-15 12:35:32 +0100 (dl 15 de nov de 2010) $ :Revision: $Rev: 4488 $


When compiling from source build as usual adding the -add-module option::

./configure --add-module=$PATH_TO_MODULE

If you are using a Debian GNU/Linux distribution is easy to build a modified package that includes this module::

Get the source

apt-get source nginx

Copy the module

NGINX_DEBIAN=$(ls -d nginx-*/debian) mkdir $NGINX_DEBIAN/ngx_http_auth_pam_module cp config $NGINX_DEBIAN/ngx_http_auth_pam_module/ cp ngx_http_auth_pam_module.c $NGINX_DEBIAN/ngx_http_auth_pam_module/ cd $NGINX_DEBIAN; cd ..;

Add the argument --add-module=./debian/ngx_http_auth_pam_module to the

./configure call on the debian/rules file

sed -i -e '/./configure .$/,/[^]$/ { /^.[^]$/ { s%^(.*)$% --add-module=./debian/ngx_http_auth_pam_module n1%; } }' debian/rules

Add the libpam-dev build dependency

sed -i -e 's/^Build-Depends: /Build-Depends: libpam-dev, /;' debian/control

Update the package version using the dch command from devscripts

dch -l'+authpam' 'Added ngx_http_auth_pam_module support'

Build the package


And install

sudo dpkg -i ../nginx*deb


The module only has two directives:

  • auth_pam: This is the http authentication realm. If given the value off the module is disabled (needed when we want to override the value set on a lower-level directive).

  • auth_pam_service_name: this is the PAM service name and by default it is set to nginx.


To protect everything under /secure you will add the following to the nginx.conf file::

location /secure { auth_pam "Secure Zone"; auth_pam_service_name "nginx"; }

Note that the module runs as the web server user, so the PAM modules used must be able to authenticate the users without being root; that means that if you want to use the pam_unix.so module to autenticate users you need to let the web server user to read the /etc/shadow file if that does not scare you (on Debian like systems you can add the www-data user to the shadow group).

As an example, to authenticate users against an LDAP server (using the pam_ldap.so module) you will use an /etc/pam.d/nginx like the following::

auth required /lib/security/pam_ldap.so account required /lib/security/pam_ldap.so

If you also want to limit the users from LDAP that can authenticate you can use the pam_listfile.so module; to limit who can access resources under /restricted add the following to the nginx.conf file::

location /restricted { auth_pam "Restricted Zone"; auth_pam_service_name "nginx_restricted"; }

Use the following /etc/pam.d/nginx_restricted file::

auth required /lib/security/pam_listfile.so onerr=fail item=user sense=allow file=/etc/nginx/restricted_users auth required /lib/security/pam_ldap.so account required /lib/security/pam_ldap.so

And add the users allowed to authenticate to the /etc/nginx/restricted_users (remember that the web server user has to be able to read this file).

PAM Environment

The plugin set's the following additional environment variables when using pam_exec.so as pam module for authentication:

REQUEST=GET /some/url?foo&bar HTTP/1.1

You may use this information for request based authentication. You need a recent pam release (>= version 1.0.90) to expose environment variables to pam_exec (Ubuntu 8.04 has a too old pam version here!).

.. ...... .. SVN Id: $Id: README 4488 2010-11-15 11:35:32Z sto $
