Home > node-continuables


Node-continuables is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

A module for doing easy asynchronous code


A module to aid in asynchronous code in Node.

An implementation of an idea suggested by Felix on the Node mailing list

This is really intended for people writing asynchronous libraries for Node. It makes creating and managing continuables really easy.


var continuables = require('continuables');

// let's say you have an asynchronous function that outputs whatever it is given.
// let's make it use the continuables module
var async_function = function(val) {
  // This line creates a continuable for this function
  var continuable = continuables.create();

  process.nextTick(function() {
      // fulfill it

  // return the continuable for people to use
  return continuable;

// simple
  (function(val) {
    // val == true

async_function({hello: 'world'})
  (function(val) {
    // val == {hello: 'world'}

async_function(new Error())
  (function(val) {
    // val == new Error()

continuables can be chained:

  (function(val) {
    // val == true
    return false
  (function(val) {
    // val == false

If you don't return anything, the previous value will be used

  (function(val) {
    // val == true
  (function(val) {
    // val == true

If the chain ends with an error, then it will be thrown. To prevent that, make sure to return something that isn't an error.

async_function(new Error())
  (function(val) {
    // val == new Error()

    // return something that isn't an error, indicating it has been 'handled'
    return true;

If you like having separate callbacks for errors and success states use the either function.

async_function(new Error())
    function success(val) {
      // won't be called
    funciton error(val) {
      // val == new Error()

      // return something that isn't an error, indicating it has been 'handled'
      return true;

    function success(val) {
      // val == true
    funciton error(val) {
      // won't be called

The module also comes with a group function, for doing many asynchronous calls at once:

// it can take an object
    one: async_function(1),
    two: async_function(2),
    three: async_function(3)
  (function(result) {
    // result == {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3}

// or an array
  (function(result) {
    // result == [1,2,3]

This also works great with Node's Promise objects.


To install, just download the code and stick the continuables.js file in your ~/.node_libraries folder, and you're good to go.
