Home > node-redis-D-D-server


Node-redis-D-D-server is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the View license.

A RESTful server for remotely creating / managing and attending Dungeons and Dragons sessions

A RESTFUL server for creating, managing, running and joining tabletop game sessions. This will be updated as the API is built out.

This server provides a REST interface for creating table top game sessions that include the following a Game Master users player characters (possibly more/less than users) maps player locations on maps non-player units on the map

Getting Started: So you'd like to run this? You'll need node.js (http://github.com/ry/node) npm (curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sudo sh) and some npm modules npm install express npm install redis npm install underscore

and if you want the Talk functionality, you'll want to be running os x (for now. In the future the server itself will not talk).


Create an account PUT http://server.com/8000/account/user=JoeTheRogue&pass=FooBar response: header: 200, Account Creation Successful body: true

Creating a new map PUT http://server.com:8000/map/__MAP-UUID__?user=JoeTheRogue&token=UUID&filename=@/thisMap.jog response: id=UUID

Make the server talk: POST http://server.com:8000/talk?message=helloWorld response: Hear anything yet? (server should execute the say command on os x)

There is a lot of functionality not built out yet including: sessions that players can join tagging, collecting maps real time messaging between players in a session adding player locations on the map adding units modifying anything support for keeping track of player initiative / restricting movement on the board

If you are interested in creating a client for iOS android OS X windows web

please contact [email protected]