Home > node-regexify


Node-regexify is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Node module to make regular expressions less painful.

What it does

This module makes regex easy!

It consists of two parts, the Master and the Client. The master is what holds all the clients in line and creates new ones.

How to use

var regexMaster=require("./regexMaster"); var regex=new regexMaster.master();

//make a new single option regex and close it out with a callback function.
regex.new("This is a test <%[]option%>").call(function(res){console.log(res)});
//res is an object with the matched string, and the fields that were matched (in this case option);
//make a new chainable regex that returns res instead of running a callback, and can match two different strings;
regex.construct("This is").then(" A ").if("<%[]type%> ").then(" and not ").if(" <%[]secondtype%> ").or("<%[]thirdtype%>").call("home");
//Run a global match
var response=regex.match(str);

Internal regex working functions for chaining:

if Standard Regex Matching or Matches the regex OR the previous regex, if any then Plain non parsed string either syntactic sugar for an if().or()