Home > nodeaccess_userreference_extended


Nodeaccess_userreference_extended is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Extended grants for nodeaccess_userreference

; $Id$

Node Access Userreference Extended

This module extends the grants given by Node Access Userreference by allowing to set grants on content types referencing a type handled by Node Access Userreference.


  • Content type "Division" has a userreference field that is used to grant permissions to nodes of this type ("view", "update", "delete").
  • Content type "News" has a nodereference field to type "Division".

With "Node Access Userreference Extended" you are able to permit the users referenced on "Division" to update or delete nodes of type "News" even if the users aren't the node authors.

More detailed example:

"Division A" has 2 referenced users: "User 1" and "User 2". "Division A" is configured to grant "update" permissions to referenced users on referencing nodes. "Division B" has 2 referenced users: "User 2" and "User 3". "Division B" is configured to grant "update" and "delete" permissions to referenced users on referencing nodes.

"User 1" and "User 2" are permitted to create content of type "News" (by role permission). "User 3" has no further permissions (of course the user is allowed to access content).

Because of the reference to "Division A" "User 1" and "User 2" are allowed to update any content of type "News" that references "Division A". Because of the reference to "Division B" "User 2" and "User 3" are allowed to update and delete any content of type "News" that references "Division B".

undpaul, 2010