Home > nodejs-tail


Nodejs-tail is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Exibe o resultado de um tail no browser


Requirements Nodejs and npm installed, refer to https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installation

Modules express and socket.io installed

npm install express socket.io


git clone [email protected]:maximiliano/nodejs-tail.git

cd nodejs-tail

touch log.out


node app.js


node app.js path/to/file

If no path to a file is passed, the app will assume it is to tail the log.out file in the repository root directory.

Access http://localhost:8081

In a terminal feed log.out (or the one specified) file with new data. For example: echo "New data" >> log.out

You will see this data poping in the browser, and in the browser console if you have that open.

That's all there's to it.
