Home > nodetalk


Nodetalk is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and C, it's free.

Me trying to run node with as many concurrent connections as possible.

Try to get node.js running with a concurrency of at least 1000 connections

Hi, my name is Raphael Huefner and I am a Drupal Developer by trade. I "recently heard" of "a new thing" called node.js which is being appraised as a web server capable of serving so many more clients at the same time (concurrently) with just a single process than good old trusty Apache could do with a bunch of pre-forked child processes.

I wanted to bring across some of the points made by node.js by giving a talk in front of my colleagues.

This GitHub repository contains some notes and source code supporting this talk:

  • notes on setting up a high concurrency environment on Mac OSX on which I wasn't that successful
  • notes on setting up a high concurrency environment on Ubuntu which are still kinda un-structured