Home > nodnsproxy


Nodnsproxy is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, it's free.

A proxy server for inside the firewall.

nodnsproxy is a proxy tool for the environment inside the firewall. Inside the firewall, it often the case that we can't access the external DNS from our PC. So, we can't browse Internet freely.


I provide two solutions to convert domain name to IP address without DNS.

  1. If you use hosts file,

Write this in conf/rabbit.conf.

[net.unit8.nodnsproxy.IPAccessFilter] dnsHandler=net.unit8.nodnsproxy.DNSFileHandler

  1. If you use web API,

First, put cgi/dns.cgi to your server outside the proxy. Next, write this in conf/rabbit.conf

[net.unit8.nodnsproxy.IPAccessFilter] dnsHandler=net.unit8.nodnsproxy.DNSCgiHandler

[net.unit8.nodnsproxy.DNSCgiHandler] cgiUrl=http://[your-external-siteIP]/dns.cgi

optional. if it's nessesary to access your cgi via proxy, set this.

proxyhost= proxyport=
