Home > ns.py


Ns.py is a project mainly written in Python, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Namespaces done right


Declaring namespaces in one Python file

Ever feel that having a requirement on pkg_resources just so you can do sane namespaces in Python is a little much? If so, this package is for you. It aims to be a simple, one-file replacement for that single function and all of the craziness it adds.

.. warning:: This isn't production ready yet. It's got tests, and those tests have been run on exactly two platforms. Not what you'd call battle-tested. But if you're interested in making a viable alternative to pkg_resources for Python, please fork this project and help.


It's simple. You import declare, and call it.


from ns import declare


pkg_resources provided the jumping off point for this code. Without it, I'd probably still be scratching my head over recursively walking the module path.

Peter Wang_ convinced me over beer that we should try to do this.


  • Create something awesome -- make the code better, add some functionality, whatever (this is the hardest part).
  • Fork it_
  • Create a topic branch to house your changes
  • Get all of your commits in the new topic branch
  • Submit a pull request_

.. _pull request: http://help.github.com/pull-requests/ .. _Fork it: http://help.github.com/forking/ .. _Peter Wang: http://blog.streamitive.com/
