Home > NuseBites


NuseBites is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Pushing payed messages onto the interwebs. Just for learning Spring Integration, no evil intentions here.

What is NuseBites?

NuseBites is a kick-ass application that will allow you to capitalize on social connections instantly (or whatever suits your marketing ears). It takes input from different bidders and sells out your social network to the highest bidder for cold hard cash. More importantly it is a vehicle that we use at a Spring Integration workshop to see if we can get a cool back-end application running in a day or two.

Getting started as a developer

This section will move down later when it makes sense to get started as a user :) Clone this project, cd into the directory and run

mvn clean install

optionally import the project into your favorite IDE and start hacking.

Getting started (as a user)

DOESN'T WORK YET. Download the zip file, unpack and run nusebites.sh or nusebites.bat.

How does it work?

