Home > nutrients


Nutrients is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Rails 3 plugin providing a database and models for querying nutrition information about food items


This is a Rails 3 plugin providing a database and models for querying nutrition information about food items.

Database source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22 http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=8964


  1. create a Rails 3 app
  2. rails plugin install git://github.com/bagilevi/nutrients.git

To set up SQLite database:

  1. cd vendor/plugins/nutrients/db
  2. ./import_to_sqlite

To set up MySQL database:

  1. add your db access information to the db/import_to_mysql script
  2. cd vendor/plugins/nutrients/db
  3. ./import_to_mysql
  4. set up 'nutrientdb' section of the database.yml in #{Rails.root or plugin_root}/config/database.yml


Food.search('apple').first.nutrients.each do |nutrient_data| puts "#{nutrient_data.nutrient.name}: #{nutrient_data.value_per_100g} #{nutrient_data.nutrient.units}" end

Copyright (c) 2010 Levente Bagi, released under the MIT license
