Home > oauth-client-proxy


Oauth-client-proxy is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Work in progress

Current Status

Hot code. Will burn your hands if touched.

OAuth Forward Proxy

OAuth is an HTTP based protocol that allows client apps to get credentials and make authenticated requests to protected resources on behalf of users. The most commonly used approach to support OAuth in client apps is to code to an OAuth client library in whatever language that the client app is built in. Usually, clients app end up hardwiring their UI flow and application logic with the chosen OAuth library.

But, OAuth is an HTTP based protocol. It would be great for client app development if we could add OAuth support by just routing the outbound traffic from clients to protected resources via a forward proxy that understands OAuth. For instance, if the client wants to access a protected resource at http://my.example.org/profile/subbu, it should be able to do so by dispatching the request via a forward proxy.

GET http://my.example.org/profile/subbu
Host: proxy.client.com:3030

But since OAuth involves getting user authorization - a manual step, getting and storing access tokens for each user, and handling failures, the request needs to include some extra inputs.

GET http://my.example.org/profile/subbu
Host: proxy.client.com:3030
Proxy-Authorization: proxy-assert subbu
Link: <http://myapp.client.com/somepage?userid=subbu>;rel="oauth-proxy-continue"

The Proxy-Authorization header here asserts the user's identity to the proxy, so that the proxy could differentiate between requests for different users. It uses a authentication scheme I made to assert user identity. In the real-world, the client will need to either use signatures, or use mutual authentication over TLS to ensure that the assertion is kept confidential and tamper-proof.

The Link header tells the proxy a URI to use to restart flow in case the proxy needs to abort the client request to get explicit user authorization.

That's all. The proxy takes care of implementation details of the OAuth protocol.

How to Use

var client = require('oauth-client-proxy');
var proxy = client.createProxy({
  'origins' : [
      pattern : /^http://localhost:5000/resource/,
      authorizeUri : 'http://localhost:4999/authorize',
      tokenUri : 'http://localhost:4999/token',
      clientId : '71746698906',
      clientSecret: '7609486090'
// Starts the proxy at 3030, and redirect server at 3031
// The redirect server should be on port 80 (or proxied) 
proxy.listen(3030, 3031);