Home > objc-formatter


Objc-formatter is a project mainly written in Shell, based on the View license.

An Objective-C source code formatter

Objective-C Formatter

A code formatter for the Objective-C programming language

Getting started

If you would like to generate your own objc-formatter.awk script, issue the following commands:

git clone git://github.com/damiancarrillo/objc-formatter.git
cd objc-formatter
git submodule update --init

At this point, objc-formatter.awk is available in the build directory. You can use it by issuing the following command:

./objc-formatter.awk .../path/to/source/file.m

Xcode Integration

You can integrate the objc-formatter.awk script into Xcode by placing it in the root directory of your project. Once you have done that, add a new Shell Script Build Phase that runs prior to compilation. It should have the following script:

for sourceFile in YourProject/Classes/*.[h,m]
    printf "Formatting ${sourceFile}..." && ./objc-formatter.awk ${sourceFile} > \
        ${sourceFile}.fmt && mv ${sourceFile}.fmt ${sourceFile} && echo "done"

The path to your classes can be relative to the project's root directory.


All content is released under the BSD license. See this page for a plain-text description of what this means.
