Home > OCaml-instructions-signature---parser


OCaml-instructions-signature---parser is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Script that parses and provides signature of instructions

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1222

Project is closed! Anyone who would like to continue it please let me know.

If you have any suggestions or have found a bug please write to me: [email protected]

If you want to know how OCaml understands your instructions try this small script. This script just shows you the signature of instruction - shows the OCaml answer after parsing.

Ver 0.81 Remember to clear the buffer!! (see description below)

Ver 0.79: Example (returning the first and the last element of the list): let example a = if (List.length a)=0 then failwith "Empty list!!" else List.hd a, List.hd (List.rev a);; example [1;2;3;4];;


let example a =

if (List.length a)=0 then failwith "Error!!!" else List.hd a, List.hd (List.rev a);; val example : 'a list -> 'a * 'a =

example [1;2;3;4];;

  • : int * int = (1, 4)

If you want to use menu type: :OCamlSigMenu

For parsing one instruction type :OCamlSigParseInstruction

For parsing whole program: :OCamlSigParseAll or (for full parsing information) :OCamlSigParseF

To close Status Window: :OCamlSigStatusWinClose

To open Status Window: :OCamlSigStatusWinShow

If you want to see the buffer (list of parsed and remembered instructions): :OCamlSigShowOCamlBuffer

For clearing this buffer: :OCamlSigClearOCamlBuffer

If the plugin cannot find OCaml edit the plugin file, find this line: let s:OCamlPath = "" and set it to path where you have "ocaml" file