Home > OF_ShiffmanFlight404


OF_ShiffmanFlight404 is a project mainly written in C and C++, it's free.

OpenFrameworks port of Daniel Shiffmans update to Robert Hodgin's particle system examples.

OpenFrameworks port of Daniel Shiffmans update to Robert Hodgin's particle system examples.

From shiffman.net:

In February 2008, Robert Hodgin published a series of Particle System examples that demonstrated many of the techniques behind his amazing work (i.e.: Magnetosphere). The examples, however, use some advanced GL calls (accessing JOGL directly) and no longer work in Processing 1.0.

I'm porting the code over to OpenFrameworks as an educational exercise and maybe it might benefit of a person or two. Currently I'm using the latest OF from Github, as of 3/29/11.

Some of the particle code I'm using is adapted from Zach Lieberman's "Algo" class website at the Parsons School of Design. So a a big thanks to him for making all those great examples available. It's been an immense help in understanding complex animations with OpenFramworks.
