Home > oggsync


Oggsync is a project mainly written in Perl, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

A perl script which converts an ogg collection into an mp3 collection, and keeps them in sync (great if you love ogg but own an ipod)

I made this a few years ago. I use it all the time, and I make abosolutely NO claim about its reliability, usefulness, or stability. It works fine for me, but it would be best if you operate under the assumption that for you it will run over your dog and seduce your wife when you're not looking. I will not support it, and in fact I've been thinking of rewriting it in a language I don't hate. This is a total piece of crap, I know it, but it's useful for something.

It works under Linux. The parameters are set at the top of the file.
