Home > ogv.github.com


Ogv.github.com is a project mainly written in VIM SCRIPT and JAVASCRIPT, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

#ogv, the Open Garage Video

OGV is deprecated and no longer maintained, you probably want to be looking for Memetec or http://mem.ec/

Example to place in media/: http://lightcorp.net/garage/media/berg320.30min.ogv

I run this in jekyll, so I had to modify the webrick mime.types. The following line was added to: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httputils.rb "ogv" => "video/ogg", "svg" => "image/svg+xml",

Initiate a video stream from your webcam: $ ffmpeg2theora /dev/video0 -f video4linux2 -x 320 -y 240 --inputfps 10 --videobitrate 30 --audiobitrate 50 --channels 1 -o - | oggfwd lightcorp.net 8000 igrokvideo /.ogv -n "webcam" -d "Webcam Stream"

Initiate a video stream from an AVI $ ffmpeg2theora Downloads/torrents/Fringe.S02E18.HDTV.XviD-LOL.avi -x 320 -y 240 --videobitrate 30 --audiobitrate 50 --channels 1 -o - | oggfwd lightcorp.net 8000 igrokvideo /fringe.ogv -n "Fringe Season 2 Episode 18" -d "The one where the physicist develops a device to travel through time to save his wife"

Prepare a mp4 for streaming as ogg: $ ffmpeg2theora Downloads/torrents/BergensBanen720p_mLogo.mp4 -x 320 -y 176 --videobitrate 30 --audiobitrate 50 --channels 1 -o berg320.ogv -s 4500 -e 4620 --optimize

Initiate an ogg stream of an ogg file: $ cat berg320.ogv | oggfwd lightcorp.net 8000 igrokvideo webcam.ogv;

You may verify the server's acceptance of your stream with the login guest and password igrokvideo at: http://lightcorp.net:8000/

Please join the screen session: $ ssh [email protected]

$ screen -x garage


  • add multiple streams and a js selector between the two

I really wish I could figure out how to pipe output from recordmydesktop

Here's what a simple video embed looks like for a file in the media directory