Home > ohmyderdiedas


Ohmyderdiedas is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

German Language Trainer

== Oh My Der Die Das

This is an example of a RAILS3 mobile app that helps users learn German noun genders.

It is a multi-user site. Each user can create word lists and be trained on those word lists.

When playing the game the entire word list is loaded to the client device but as the game is progressed the scores for each word are synchronized with the server so that next load the game state is preserved.

Notable technologies used in the site are

devise              -   authentication
cancan              -   authorization
jquery mobile ui    -   mobile ui widgets
backbone.js         -   javascript client application frameword
coffeescript        -   makes javascript pleasant to write in
jammit              -   asset packaging and compression
heroku              -   deployment

The client application code can be found at


The compiled client code is


The main backend code is handled by two controllers
