Home > ohnote


Ohnote is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

a flexible idea management webapp

oh note!

webapp built with javascript and couchdb

idea: single column list of textareas used for managing information or to-do lists. each textarea can be checked off as done and dragged around the page.

behavior: focusing a textarea causes a new textarea to appear below it. pressing moves the cursor into the next adjacent textarea. pressing tab gives the current textarea extra left padding and a bullet, so it's indented.

data: text is saved when its textarea loses focus. the current active textarea should have a colorful border of some kind

future: multiple columns, multiple pages

future idea: ability to type commands into textareas (e.g. 'calendar', 'picture', 'sketch') and have a widget appear (e.g. a jqueryui calendar, a file uploader, a canvas element for drawing sketches on)

since this is just a fun project for us we shouldn't worry too much about supporting every browser and screen size

inspiration: todoist, etherpad, tadalist, teuxdeux
